When a bunch of inept Martians mistakenly think they've missed the invasion of Earth, they arrive on Halloween night just in time for Big Bean, Illinois's rebroadcast of Orson Welles' War of the Worlds. Chaos ensues thanks to the lack of intelligent lif...
When Captain Picard is kidnapped and assimilated into the IKEA Börg collection, Commander Riker must grab his allen wrench and learn to get along with Commander Shelby so they can complete the bookcase that will stop the Börg before they can destroy Ea...
Last time Marty got back from the past just in time to head to the future where he would need to go back to the past in order to save the present. When Doc Brown was lost in time he needed to go further back in the past in order to bring Doc to the pres...
Everybody was hungry for more of Michael J. Fox in the 80s. You could even say they were hungry like a… wolf. It’s Teen Wolf this time around. Grab your basketball shorts and join us for this 80s sports/monster movie classic.
On this episode we enter your dreams and plant an idea that will grow and spread like a virus… no, it’s not Inception… it’s Explorers! Come take a ride with us in the Thunder Road as we go where no kid has gone before.
Strap in and keep your hand poised over that Death Blossom button as we give our review of 1984’s THE LAST STARFIGHTER.
With the passing of Leonard Nimoy last week, it seemed appropriate for a podcast focusing on movies from 1984-85 to do a short show about his feature film directorial debut and the series that made him an icon.