In a world where passion and danger collide, a young couple named Clarence and Alabama find themselves caught up in a whirlwind of crime and chaos. With a suitcase full of drugs and a heart full of love, they embark on a wild journey to escape the cl...
In a world where passion and danger collide, a young couple named Clarence and Alabama find themselves caught up in a whirlwind of crime and chaos. With a suitcase full of drugs and a heart full of love, they embark on a wild journey to escape the clutches of a ruthless gangster and pursue their dreams of a better life. From the seedy underbelly of Detroit to the bright lights of Hollywood, True Romance is a thrilling tale of love, loyalty, and the ultimate quest for freedom. Starring Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette, this movie will leave you breathless and begging for more. Get ready for the ride of your life - this is True Romance.
We're excited to be joined by Dayton Johnson from the Docking Bay 77 Podcast. Check out his show here:
Watch the trailer: